Tour the Hanford Vit Plant, Virtually
The Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant, also known as the Vit Plant, is being designed and constructed at the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington state. When completed and commissioned, it will be the world’s largest and most technically sophisticated radioactive waste treatment plant. This one-of-a-kind complex will vitrify nearly 56 million gallons of liquid and semisolid nuclear and chemical waste, a legacy of World War II and Cold War nuclear weapons production.
Vitrification involves mixing liquid radioactive wastes with glass-forming materials and heating them in a high-temperature melter. The process incorporates the waste into the glass itself. It is poured into canisters, allowed to solidify and cool. Then it is transported for disposal.
We invite you to virtually tour the facilities being built at the Vit Plant. The tour provides a peek into the nuclear facilities and support structures on the 65-acre site not open to the general public. Each tour stop includes information on the facilities and their role in the vitrification process.
We’re proud of the work we’re doing to enable the processing of Hanford’s nuclear waste and, as a result, protect the environment and the public. Visit us virtually and learn how we’re going to make it happen.
Click the map icons to experience it virtually
External Views
1. Tank Farms and Hanford Site
2. Low-Activity Waste and High-Level Waste Vitrification facilities
3. Effluent Management Facility and Analytical Laboratory
4. 4 Major Facilities from Ground Level
5. Glass Former Facility, Chiller Compressor Plant, & Steam Plant Facility